Privacy Policy

I agree with the processing of my personal data and give consent to process my personal data necessary for inclusion in the database of the applicants for providing child care services, analysing work potential, finding suitable client, arranging work offer, sending information about the future client and the future work contract between Person Concerned and future client to the Controller: 

Best Nanny s.r.o., with its registered office at: Moyzesova 931/4, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovak republic, Company Identification Number (IČO): 53 828 291, registered with the Commercial Register of District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, File No. 153419/B (hereinafter referred to as „Controller“) to the extent of personal data provided in the questionnaire, during the process of finding future client and arranging the contract between Person Concerned and future client (name, surname, title, residence, date of birth, birth number, marital status, ID card number/passport number, nationality, telephone number, e-mail, information on criminal records, information on health status and education) (hereinafter referred to as „Personal Data“) for the period of keeping the Personal Data: 5 years. 

The legal basis for the processing of Personal Data of the Person Concerned is article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR Regulations – The Person Concerned has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes: The purpose of processing the Personal Data of the Person Concerned is in particular: 1) registration in the database of applicants of child care services, 2) analysing work potential, 3) finding suitable client (buyer) of the child care services, 4) arranging work offer, 5) support of marketing and promotion of the Controller, 6) providing support and guidance, courses and trainings to the Person Concerned, 7) maintaining the Person Concerned documentation both in written and electronic form. 

By giving this Consent the Person Concerned declares, that he/she is aware and has been informed by the Controller about his/her rights regarding Personal Data to: • withdraw Consent at any time, • request any information on what purposes Personal data are being processed, • request clarification regarding the processing of Personal data, • request access to Personal data from the Controller and request to update or correct Personal data, • request the deletion of Personal data, • in case of any doubts regarding Personal Data or compliance with the obligations related to the processing of Personal data please do not hesitate to reach out and contact us for Personal Data Protection. Information and access to Personal data The Person Concerned is obliged to provide true and current personal data. In case of any change in Personal data the Person Concerned shall notify to the Controller without delay. 

Consent may be withdrawn at any time in writing either in written form sent by letter to the registered office of the Controller: Moyzesova 931/4, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovak republic or via e-mail to Personal data of the Person Concerned shall be processed in accordance with his/her free consent and only under the above mentioned conditions. The Controller does not intend to transfer the Personal data of the Person Concerned to a third country, an international organization or other organizations.